Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby no later than March 3!

Well, I had another OB appointment, and while the baby has dropped, my body is not ready to eject him/her. I was told though, that they will not let me go more than 10 days past my due date (Saturday), which is March 3. At least there is an end date in sight!

I also got another 3d/4d picture, but it was terrible. The baby had its head all squashed against my uterus (lovely picture, eh), and so it looked like the baby had a malformed head. Oh well. A picture is a picture, right? (I did not scan it in, so unless you see me in person, you're not gonna see it).

Other good news: I was told I don't have to continue checking my sigars since my 2nd 3 hour test was ALL NORMAL. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can eat pizza and spaghetti and eat more often than every two hours again! (all in moderation of course). I only have to test if I feel funny after eating.

Maybe if you all send good thoughts my way, the baby will want to come out? It couldn't hurt!

1 comment:

jlynn1234 said...

Aww, tell him/her that Aunt Jenny is really excited to come see him/her!!! BTW, Elizabeth and what other option is it?